Saturday, May 31, 2014

Beauty and the Beast arms, legs, abs.

Do just one body part, or all three if you're ambitious. 

Fighting, chase scene, gun or other weapon is drawn
          .....30 second plank
          .....15 backward leg lifts each side
          .....20 bicycles

Scene takes place in the precinct or Catherine's apartment
          .....15 lateral raises
          .....15 forward leg lifts each side
          .....10 reverse crunches

Scene takes place on Vincent's boat or in JT's apartment/lab
          .....15 shoulder presses
          .....20 sumo squats
          .....20 Russian twists

          .....15 tricep pushups
          .....30 second wall sit
          .....20 oblique/side crunches each side

Kissing, hugging, sexy times
          .....20 bicep curls
          .....30 calf raises
          .....20 crunches

In a car or on the roof
          .....10 push ups
          .....20 jumping jacks
          .....10 straight leg lifts

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Arrow arms, abs, legs.

Do just one body part, or all three if you're ambitious. 

Arrows, fighting, chase scene
          .....30 second plank
          .....15 backward leg lifts each side
          .....20 bicycles

Scene takes place in the precinct or any main character's home
          .....15 lateral raises
          .....15 forward leg lifts each side
          .....10 reverse crunches

Scene takes place in the base of operations/secret lair
          .....15 shoulder presses
          .....20 sumo squats
          .....20 Russian twists

Family members talk to each other
          .....15 tricep pushups
          .....30 second wall sit
          .....20 oblique/side crunches each side

Work out, exercise, or any time a male character is shirtless
          .....20 bicep curls
          .....30 calf raises
          .....20 crunches

Felicity is an adorable, nerdy badass
          .....10 push ups
          .....20 jumping jacks
          .....10 straight leg lifts